We will render complex assistance to your business by combining initiative with international standards of legal consulting services

Unlike a lot of our competitors we can support the procedure of bankruptcy both on the part of the debtor and that of one or several creditors. Bankruptcy initiated in time is the most reliable means for a creditor’s collecting receivables from an insolvent debtor.


Constitute analytical investigations or solving various legal problems on the base of current norms of the international and Russian legislations.


Services of our office mentioned in this section exceed the bounds of services rendered by usual consulting and law firms. They are authorings by our specialists and partners based on experience in solving non-standard problems.


Additional services accompanying our main activities. Most of all they are needed by non-resident companies wishing to carry out their activity on the Russian market.



Once again, taking into account arguments of our experts, the Cassation court (the third instance) did not agree with lower courts, cancelled all judicial decisions taken within the case in progress and sent the case for a new trial to the Arbitration Court of the Pskov Region. In its decision, the Cassation Court pointed out that the lower courts did not fully examine all arguments of our side, did not correctly apply current legislation, and therefore all decisions already taken in the case was illegal. Sorry for our opponents, the procedure of the execution of the decision has been suspended, and the case will be considered from the very beginning again.


It is very difficult to achieve imposition of interim measures, and it is even more difficult to cancel them. But in October, our specialists managed to prove to the court the groundlessness of an interim measures, and completely cancel them. Our client turned to us after the imposition of the interim measures at the court of first instance. The Court of Appeal upheld them, considering their necessity proven. However, the Court of Cassation did not agree with the lower courts, took into account our arguments and, resolving our petition on the merits, indicated that the lower courts did not fully examine all our arguments and did not correctly apply the current legislation.

On-line efficiency and quality of services, continuous perfecting methods and ways of settling Customers’ problems, dynamical development.

On-line efficiency is the main distinctive feature of our work with Customers. According to data of investigations just a fast answer to a question is of primary importance for the Customer in relations with a company rendering legal services.

Quality of work with the Customer is also a most important priority for our company and its employees. We make our best effort to provide for maximally effective relationships with the Customer and better services than those rendered by our competitors. Carefulness, responsibility, creativity and creative approach are main components of success of both the Customer’s enterprise and ours.

Knowledge of the Customer’s business. We work on the principle of individual approach to everyone applying to us. Our specialists try not only to solve a legal problem but also coordinate it with a Customer’s wishes, strategy of his business development, tactical and operative tasks of the whole enterprise.

Work for future. The purpose of our company is successful and long relations with Customers. Like many international law companies we do not aim at obtaining maximal one-time profit by rendering our services once and forthwith forgetting a Customer. We hope that our work aimed at rendering high-quality services and fully satisfying Customers will be the guaranty of choosing our company for solving their new problems.

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