For Customers of our services

We are glad to co-operate with you – contact us!

Our address is: 6th floor, offices A617-A619, block A, 15 Novolitovskaya street,
Business Centre «Akvilon», St-Petersburg, 194100, Russia.

Mail address for ordinary post:
P.O.Box 94, St-Petersburg, 194100, Russia.

Phone./ fax: +7 812 295 8886
Mobile phone: +7 921 906 4541 (WhatsApp)
+ 358 417 240 294 (WhatsApp)

Our office is interested in co-operation with profile companies, with highly educated purposeful professionals and beginner specialists. We understand that only politics of developing partner relationships can make our office successful and services that we render — competitive and meeting international standards of quality.

Having enormous experience and special knowledge in practical realisation of complicated consulting projects we are ready to co-operate with audit, consulting and law firms, attorneys’ associations and attorneys. If you feel that you are not able to solve yourselves a problem or carry out a project posed by your Customer, contact us and we will do it together.

If you work for a big audit or consulting company and have begun to think of your own business in this sphere or you feel that your knowledge is not fully demanded or is not paid for to the extent you would like it to be, we are ready for negotiations about co-operation with you.

If you are a graduate or a student of higher education institute and think of career or further work in the sphere of legal consulting we will help you to realize yourself and obtain knowledge in this sphere that you do not obtain at the institute. You will understand what are standards of consulting work, methodology of carrying out a consulting project and why our Customers are our most important asset and our friends.

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