Master class

«Bankruptcy — amendments of the legislation, perspectives, risks, and importance of audit assistance of the procedure»

The event urgent in view of the economic situation in Russia has been organised with joint efforts of St. Petersburg’s Chamber of Commerce, the Audit and consulting group «Inaudit» and the international law company DCO,LLC.

The oldest audit company of St. Petersburg Audit and consulting group «AKG Inaudit» has worked in the market of audit services since September, 1987. At present it is a dynamically developing group of companies including a number of specialised companies aimed at rendering a large spectrum of audit and consulting services.
The law company DCO,LLC has offices in Russia, Finland and Estonia and specialises in rendering legal services of different kinds providing professional legal support of investment, building and complex consulting projects as well as assistance in the course of solving tax, corporate, international judicial disputes and criminal cases. Now the main orientation of activity of the company’s office in Russia is assistance in bankruptcy procedures.

Date of conducting: 16th February, 2016.
Registration of participants:   from 14:30
Beginning:  15:00  Termination: 17:30
Address: St. Petersburg’s Chamber of Commerce,
46-48 street Tchaikovsky (subway station «Chernyshevskaya»), St. Petersburg, Russia.

Subject: «Bankruptcy — amendments of the legislation, perspectives, risks, and importance of audit assistance of the procedure »

Program of master class:

14:30- 14:59 Registration

15:00 — 15:05 Opening address and presentation of speakers
Aleksandr Pavlovich Kuznetsov, Director general (managing partner) of «AKG Inaudit», President of St. Petersburg’s Audit chamber.

15:05 — 15:55  Bankruptcy — amendments of the legislation, perspectives and risks
Vasily Sergeyevich Davydov, barrister, arbitration manager
Nikita Andreyevich Goloshchapov, arbitration manager, consultant of the law company DCO,LLC

16:00 – 16:35 Importance of audit assistance of a bankrupt procedure
Aleksandr Pavlovich Kuznetsov, Director general (managing partner) of «AKG Inaudit», President of St. Petersburg’s Audit chamber.

16:40 – 17:30  Round table, discussions

If you are interested by this event and want to organize its conducting in your offices and/or at your company as well as if you participated in this event and want to consult our specialists on questions interesting to you, please, contact:

Vasily S. Davydov, phone: + 7 812 295 8886

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