
Materials of the seminar held by the law company DCO, LLC
together with the Estonian advocates’ office «Aavik and partners»
in the town of Tallinn (Estonia) on 19th March, 2014

Date of holding the seminar: 19th March, 2014

Beginning of the event:  10:00  End of the event: 15:00

Address of holding: Toompuiestee 19, 10137 Tallinn, conference hall of the hotel L’ERMITAGE

Subject of the seminar:

«Particularities of organising and running business on the Russian Federation’s territory»

Program of the seminar:

09:55- 10:20 Registration

10:20 — 10:30 Opening speech and presentation of speakers
Andres Aaavik, barrister, law office «Aavik and partners»
Yulia Kl’ukach, barrister, law office «Aavik and partners»

10:30 — 10:50
St. Petersburg as the starting point for creating a business in Russia
Vasily S. Davydov, Barrister, DCO, LLC

11:00 — 11:40
Creating a business in Russia, legal forms of its organisation and taxation
Nikita A. Goloshchapov, Director General, DCO, LLC

11:50 – 12:30
Acquiring an immovable object for entrepreneur activity
Al’ona G. Lukyanova, leading lawyer, DCO, LLC

12:35 — 13:15  Coffee break

13:20 – 14:00
Compensation for losses caused by staff of a Russian organisation 
Nikita A. Goloshchapov, Director General, DCO, LLC

14:05 — 14:45 Ways of demanding a problem indebtedness 
Al’ona G. Lukyanova, leading lawyer, DCO, LLC

14:45 – 15:00 Answers to questions, discussion and concluding speech

Contact information of the participants

St. Petersburg, Russia:

1. Vasily S. Davydov, Barrister, a member of the Board of the Directors of DCO, LLC;

2. Nikita A. Goloshchapov, Director General of DCO, LLC;

Tallinn, Estonia:

1.  Andres Aaavik, barrister, advocates’ office «Aavik and partners»;

2.  Yulia Kl’ukach, barrister, advocates’ office «Aavik and partners»;

Organiser of the event: the newspaper «Business News», Tallinn, Estonia
Oksana Kabritys, editor-in-chief;


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