Seminar at the business center “Tekhnopolis”, Pulkovo, St. Petersburg

«Reclamation of problem debts for construction works performed.
Construction project management.»

The event  organized by the initiative of the Finnish and Russian Chamber of Commerce with participation of the most active members of this organization including the international law company DCO, LLC.

This time the seminar began with an appearance of our colleagues from the recruiting company “Coleman Services” devoted to the question of employees’ loyalty. Further, leading specialists of the company DCO, LLC discussed with the audience about grounds for appearance of liability of employees to the company and its founders for causing losses. Discussion was made in a simple and clear for anyone form, our lawyers told about the legal status and differences in liability to the company of various categories of employees as well as conditions of making them liable. The order and ways of compensation for losses to be collected from employees of various categories and its practical realization was the next question of our appearance. In the conclusion of the seminar some examples from our judicial practice were presenting to the public, answering on questions and a discussion continued at the dining room of the business center.

Date of conducting: 23rd March, 2017
Registration of participants: from 09:45
End of event: 12:00
Address: St. Petersburg, business centre «Tekhnopolis», Pulkovckoye highway 40/4 “А”

09:45 — 10:00 Registration

10:00 — 10:05 Opening address and presentation of speakers
Tarmo Suomalainen, Irina Krasnova, Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce

10:05 — 11:00 Loyalty of employees
Olga Enyutina, leading specialist of“Coleman Services”

11:05 – 12:00 Order and ways of compensation for losses caused by an unscrupulous employee
Nikita Goloschapov, acting insolvency officer, Chairman of the Board of Directors, DCO, LLC

12:00 – 12:30 Q&A, discussion, round table, closure of the meeting

If you are interested in this event and want to organize it in your office and/or at your company or if you were a participant to this event and are willing to consult our specialists on related topics, please, contact:

Mr. Vasily S. Davydov, phone: + 7 812 295 8886

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