The law firm DCO, LLC
offers a program of educational seminars both in person and on-line (webinars).

The program may be processed as a conference and addressed to English-speaking audience — our foreign colleagues, partners, foreign public institutes and other related bodies as well as to owners or top managers of foreign companies interested in the Russian market.

The aim of the program is to provide business-related information about Russia: the court and law systems, law of procedure, taxes in Russia and other particularities of Russian legislation.

We can conduct the full program or any seminar from the list below by conference facilities in Russia (Moscow or Saint-Petersburg), Estonia (Tallinn), Finland (Helsinki) and the territory of your state or on-line.

Only a PC with Internet connection and headphones is needed for participation in our seminar on-line (webinar). It takes less time and gives your employees an opportunity to get useful information and ask questions about Russia directly at their workplaces.

If you are interested in the program or in co-operation with us in this area, please, do not hesitate to send your message to our responsible manager and we will answer all your questions promptly.

The list of our seminars (webinars):

1. «How to organize business on the territory of the Russian Federation». Main topics: legislation on setting up an office in Russia; preferred type of a company; options on the legal structure — advantages and disadvantages of each option; outline of good business practices.

2. «Taxation in the Russian Federation». Main topics: types of taxes in Russia and their particularities for different types of companies; general and special tax regimes; state control and regulation of international cross-border operations; international tax treaties.

3. «Russian court system». Main topics: general overview of the Russian court system; types of courts in Russia; arbitration court statistic related to foreign persons; particularities of enforcement procedure of a court decision in Russia.

4. «How to buy commercial real estate property in Russia». Main topics: questions you should answer before entering into a real estate deal; types of real estate property in Russia; who could act on behalf of a seller; options how to perform a deal; taxation of a real estate transaction; summary and recommendations to avoid problems.

5. «Compensation of damages caused by employees of a Russian company». Main topics: an employee and his legal status; categories and conditions of calling employees to liability; methods of compensation of damages and practice of their enforcement.

6. «Saint-Petersburg – a gateway for your business in Russia». Main topics: Saint-Petersburg and the Leningrad region at a glance; legal status of a foreign person in Russia; investment legislation in Russia; special economic zones in Saint-Petersburg.

If you are interested in any other topic apart to the above, it may be processed on the base of your organization’s inquiry. Your questions, comments, offers or suggestions are very welcomed. Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any.

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